Friday, May 22, 2009

Selamat tinggal rumahku...

Sedih..ya itulah perasaan nurul sekarang. Sebab besok nurul kena bertolak ke Kedah untuk pertandingan Arau open debate.
Tapi mula2 nurul bersuka ria dulu di Pendang, which is kem Debat yang diadakan selama 3 hari 2 mlm. Lepas tu, baru pergi Arau untuk Arau Open.

Mmg la sedih sebab lps habis je Arau Open, kena terus balik kedah. Kena daftar dan keesokkan harinya ada kuliah. Mmg penat tapi nak buat cmne. Takpe lah, sekurang-kurangya nurul dpt timba pengalaman yg baru apabila memasuki pertandingan ni. Ini juga menandakan yang cuti semester telah tamat bagi nurul. Walaupun pendek tapi nurul dapat enjoy dgn family. Boleh dikatakan cuti semester nie yg paling best skali..yeah!

Esok kena bertolak awal dari ipoh sebab bas akan bertolak dari uitm pkul 11 pagi. Mungkin seawal 6 atau 7 pagi. Perjalanan dari ipoh ke sungai petani mengambil masa lebih kurang 2 jam. Harap2 sampai kedah sebelum bas bertolak. Maknanya malam nie kena tidur awal...

Knape dengki sangat kat nurul!!!

Semalam iaitu pada 21.5.2009, sume budak pre-law heboh yg result final exam dah keluar. Masa tgh sibuk sediakan makanan tengahari, tiba2 aliaa kol.

Aliaa : Fizah, result kuar ari nie!!
Nurul : apa? Bukan esok ke?? Td aku kol adeeal dia kata esok.
Aliaa: taklah, nie aku tgh check nie
Nurul : (ahhh!!!) Ok2...

Disebabkan tak blh nak surf internet kat rumah, terpaksa tunggu apak and mama balik baru blh pg cyber cafe. Di samping menunggu, ada lah msg drpd rakan2 ku bertanyakan ttg result. Nurul ckp nurul x check lagi. Pastu dorang bgtw result dorang, mmg bagus and congrats nurul ucapkan.

Akhirnya apak balik and terus pg cyber cafe. Masa tu dlm pkul 8.00pm. Mula2 masuk web uitm kedah, pastu link ke student portal. Log in ID dan password, klik ke examination result. Masa tu hati rasa mcm nak jatuh je.......tiba2 dia kuar cmni..
" harap maaf, keputusan peperiksaan sedang dikemaskini. Sila cuba di lain masa."
What??? apa nie?? Asal tak boleh masuk?? ok, nurul try lagi skali. Sama jugak....masa tu rase nak campak je pc tu kan. Tapi sabar je la. Apak cakap esok try kat office apak.

So, ari nie nurul ikut apak pergi office dgn harapan dapat tgk result. Seperti biasa, pergi web uitm kedah.....and...dah log in sume, dpt masuk. Ok, inilah saatnya. Taip no. pelajar dan no. ic....tunggu dgn hati yg berdebar2....pastu kuar...
'Harap maaf, rekod anda tidak dijumpai atau anda melakukan kesilapan ketika memberi maklumat No. pelajar atau No. kad pengenalan serta pastikan anda telah menyelesaikan yuran pengajian"

Ahhh!! apa lagi nie, susah btul la nak check result!! Knape dengki sgt dgn nurul!!, nurul pun try lagi skali...sama jugak..apak cakap mungkin silap no id. Tapi btul apa. Nurul hampir bergaduh jugak la dgn apak psl No id tu..
Pelik btul. Knape tak boleh check result? Kalo result tu bagus sgt ok la....tu pun blum tentu...huhu...

Monday, May 18, 2009

lagu best!!

Artist : Lady Gaga
Song : Poker Face

Mum mum mum mah
Mum mum mum mah

I wanna hold em' like they do in texas, please
Fold em' let em' hit me, raise it baby, stay with me
Luck and intuition play the cards with spades to start
And after he's been hooked i'll play the one that's on his heart

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what i've got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what i've got

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(she`s got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(she`s got to love nobody)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(mum mum mum mah)

I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be
A little gambling is fun when you're with me
Russian roulette is not the same without a gun
And baby when it's love, if its not rough it isn't fun

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what i've got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what i've got

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(she`s got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(she`s got to love nobody)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(mum mum mum mah)

I won't tell you that i love you
Kiss or hug you
Cause i'm bluffin' with my muffin
I'm not lying
I'm just stunnin'
With my love-glue-gunning

Just like a chick in the casino
Take your bank before i pay you out
I promise this, promise this
Check this hand 'cause i'm marvelous

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(she`s got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(she`s got to love nobody)

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(she`s got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(she`s got to love nobody)

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(she`s got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(she`s got to love nobody)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(mum mum mum mah)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(mum mum mum mah)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(mum mum mum mah)

kawan...will it last forever?

Sebenarnya x tw nak tulis psl fikir punye fikir, i decide to write about friends.

Knape? Well, sebab nurul pernah tertanya-tanya berapa lama boleh nurul kekalkan sesuatu hubungan persahabatan. Sebab in my experience, hanya beberapa org je yang masih menjadi kawan setia nurul. Yang lain sume datang dan pergi mcm tu je. It's like at first it was great. We spend a lot of time together, waktu sekolah rendah and menengah. Tapi bila zaman sekolah tamat, dorang hilang camtu je. Nak kata nurul x contact, rasenya hantar sms x pun x jawap. Macam nurul sorang je yg amik kisah psl dorang. It makes me hurt so bad. Sometimes i wonder whether i ever done anything wrong to them. Tapi dorang x cakap apa2 pun. Terus senyap sampai satu tahap nurul nak buang je nombor dorang dalam contact nurul. But I didn't do it sebab mana tahu satu hari dorang ada contact nurul ke...tak tahu la.
Ada satu perumpamaan tu, 'only true friends will leave footprint in our heart'. Rasenya btul la kot sebab bagi nurul kawan yg setia dgn nurul sekarang. Thanks to all of you.

Masuk universiti pulak, nurul dapat ramai kawan baru. They're not just nice and friendly tapi sangat caring. Nurul harap our friendship will last till the end, not just halfway. I really hope so.

Monday, May 11, 2009

habis sudah

Satu penantian yang mendebarkan di saat menunggu untuk masuk ke dewan peperiksaan untuk menduduki kertas bel 260...paper nie start pkul 9.00am dan tamat pkul 12.00pm. 3 jam dowh!! Mmg lama gler...tapi nurul keluar awal sebab x sanggup tgk byk sgt org kuar awl. and one more thing, x sanggup nak check paper tu.

Dan di saat nurul kuar dewan tu, ini menandakan yang exam dah habis. Semester 2 pun dah berakhir!!! Dan semester 3 sedang menanti! X sabar nurul nak habiskan asasi undang2 kat sini. Apapun, dgr citer senior, dorang cakap sem 3 nye subjek susah. Nurul pun xtw, hopefully i can do well with my studies.

Sekarang, nurul ada dalam 2 minggu untuk rehat sbelum kelas mula on 1 jun...huhu..
Anyway, banyak pengalaman yang nurul dapat sama ada pahit atau manis. Tu termasuklah dapat kawan baru, pengalaman berdebat dalam debat piala pengarah, and others.

1) Regarding on friendship, well nurul dapat kawan baru dan x juga dilupakan pengalaman ditikam dari belakang seseorang yang x disangka...mmg sangat pedih and i will nvr forgive her for that. Sampai sanggup mengutuk nurul dari belakang, pdhal depan2 punyala muka baik gler. X perlulah nurul tulis nama dia kat sini. Apa yang nurul boleh cakap, ubahlah perangai anda sebab one day, you're gonna pay the bad things you do. Oh ya, x lupa to my new's nice to meet all of you and i hope our friendship will last longer!! Love u all!!

2) Peluang menjawat jawatan ketua blok untuk blok F2 Kolej Mahsuri memang satu pengalaman yang x dapat nurul lupakan. Thanks to JPK kerana memberikan kepercayaan kepada nurul untuk menjawat jawatan ini. Bukan senang nak uruskan satu blok tu...dgn karenah penghuninya yang macam2 plus macam2 masalah yang timbul. And trima kasih to Jawatankuasa blok F2 yang lain...tanpa anda semua mmg nurul xleh bertahan lama..haha.. Ingat lagi masa nurul kena tido lambat sebab nak hias blok..untuk pertandingan antara kolej. Memang sangat memenatkan...pastu nak fikir pasal banda lain lagi. Masa memang sangat sikit minggu tu dengan test and assignments beratur di belakang...rasa mcm nak letak jwatan je masa tu. Tapi alhamdullilah, semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Ia mengajar nurul untuk jadi matang, bertanggungjawap, dan berdisiplin.

3) About love, well mission yang nurul harap2 dapat laksanakan x jadi ats sebab2 tertentu...haha..
i was supposed to do it n my birthday tapi x jadi. I still have a crush on him but sampai mana crush tu akan bertahan, nurul pun xtw. Sape orgnya? Xleh nak bgtw kat sini. Tapi rasenya mcm most of my friends dah tw kan. Rasenya mcm dia pun dah tau. I don't know. Anyway, nurul wish him luck in his studies and everything that he do.

Nadzirah, Izzat and me

4) Oh ya, x dilupakan berpeluang untuk berdebat di Debat Piala Pengarah. Mula2 tu mmg takut giler, sebab nurul x prnh pun berdebat....well actually it's debating. X kisah la debat ke debate ke...lbih kurang sama je. Cume perbezaan bahasa je. Pre law team ada 2. Nurul, Izzat obama and Nadzirah in one team. And the other team is Emellia, Shazwina and maisara. For final it's pre-law vs pre-law...which is my team and emellia's team. Well, team nurul dapat 2nd place but izzat obama dapat the best speaker...congrats to him.

Shazwina, Emellia and Maisara

Itu je la kot sedikit coretan masa semester 2...dah nak masuk semester 3...yeay..

I love you!! My mama!!

Tahun nie, Hari Ibu jatuh pada 10 mei, di mana aku terpaksa menghadapi Bel 260. Tapi nurul sempat jugak sambut hari ibu malam tu..
This is for you mama..

Mama, I love you!
Thank you so much for the love you give,
your patient towards my 'evil' attitude,
your help in my studies,
your hug when I'm sad,
your anger when I hurt you,
and everything that you do to make me happy,
even though sometimes I feel like i don't deserve it,
But you still there for me,
whenever I need you,
I love you mama,
and my love for you is for eternity,
Thank you for being such a great mum!!
Happy mother's day...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

akan ku pulang ke kedah...

Setelah 2 minggu aku berada di rumah, akhirnya aku akan balik ke kedah. Ke mana? Ke UiTM tercinta....huhu...nak amik paper bel 260 punya psl.

After that, selamat tinggal sem 2!!Dan juga UiTM kedah tercinta.
Aku akan kembali pada 1 Jun, seperti yang dijanjikan.

am i happy?

that question need an answer and yes I'm in the state of happiness right now. Why? Because I received a call from someone last night. Who was it? Biarlah rahsia...

I thought dia xkan call sebab it's like impossible and what is his reason to call me? Just to chat? Well, maybe. Before that he sent me a message that he will give me a call, and i just reply 'ok'. 3 days after that which is yesterday, he really called me! But firstly, he played prank on me. By using his house number, he pretend to be an operator and spoke with formal voice. Of course at that time I was thinking " who is this?" Then, suddenlly he called me by a nickname ( urgh! I hate that!) and at that moment, I know who's on the phone.
We talked...and he made fun of me as usual...haha...and guess how long we talked? For almost 30 minutes!! And he was using his house phone ( padan muka kalo mak dia marah)...we had to end our conversation sebab panggilan daripada mama suruh tolong dia buat keje. So, I guess that's the end....after this i'm the one who should call him...we'll see. But one thing for sure, he was very talkative...i mean although I'm a talkative person as well but he beats me...haha..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"nurul kena peka pasal politik"

Itulah dilemma yg sedang aku lalui...huhu..aku dipaksa utk belajar ttg politik. Bukan aku x nak tp it's hard for me. One thing for sure it's because aku x minat sgt psl politik nie. Nk ingat sume nama pemimpin mcm seorang kawanku itu...agk susah la kan. Apak suruh aku peka dgn isu2 hangat politik...kadang2 dia cerita la psl politik kat aku. And aku dgr je la...nk respon x tw nk ckp apa.
Bukan aku x tw isu2 psl politik nie tp nk amik tw satu persatu mmg minta maaf la...x dpt nk dilaksanakan.
Xpela, aku cuba la jugak..chaiyok!!

The most enjoyable holiday!!!

Aku x tw knape gap cuti before bel 260 exam nie lah cuti yg paling best skali antara sume cuti yg aku prnh alami...haha.. Well, maybe sebab aku dpt spend my fullest time dgn family kot. Tapi bukannya cuti semester yg lps x dpt luangkan masa bersama kn, cuma masa tu apak dgn mama sgt sibuk dgn keje la, nk cari nafkah untuk anak2 yg tersayang. So masa tu mmg susah la nk spend time. Nk tgk mama dan apak kt rumah pun payah. Sekarang, allamdullilah dpt jugak tgk diorang lepak kt ruma and keluar sama2..

As I mentioned before, mmg aku suke sgt cuti nie. Nk diceritakan, nie lah yg aku buat bersama family aku..

Pada tarikh ini, aku balik rumah!! Aku sampai lbih kurang pukul 4. Pastu apak and mama ambik aku kt stesen bas. Dlm kereta, apak ckp "we're going out tonight" Yeah!! Pastu mlm tu kitaorang satu family kuar, mmg dh lame x kuar sama2. Mkn2 kt Taman Kanak2 ( nama tmpt tu mmg cmtu). Lps mkn, kitaorang pg jln2 kt Gerbang Malam. Tmpt nie lbih kurang mcm kt Chow Kit Road yg ada kt kl tu...ada mcm2 brg kt sana. Harga pun blh taan gak...and blh diturunkan harga lagi...kalo pndai runding la kan. Apak nk beli beg utk mama....beg utk keje. Aku pun masuk skali la...pujuk apak blikan skali...akhirnya dpt gak satu beg. Harganya blh tahan gak la. Abang dan adik2ku x lps shopping baju gak, tp guna duit abg baru dpt gaji la katakan. Then, dh dpt apa yg diingini tibalah masanye utk balik...

Ha, hari nie aku ikut bapak aku pg keje. Saje gatal, boring kot kalo dduk ruma. Sorang2 plak tu. Memandangkan apak d ajak, apa lagi...hehe.. Apak bwak aku pg tgk office baru dia. Secara kebetulan, ada plak byk kedai jual baju kt situ, yeah! Baju lawa2 plak tu. Apak ckp kamu nk sopping baju, shopping la ko kt sini. Tu yg aku nk dgr tu. Tp, di samping tu, bila office nk buka nnti, aku jugak yg kena jaga smpai aku balik kedah. btul. Pnat jugak ikut apak pergi keje, bkannya dduk office je...kena jln sana sini (naik kereta la) Dlm pkul 1, baru apak hbis keje, nk amik adik kesayangan plak...mmg pnat la ari nie. But, drpd dduk rumah kn, lagi baik ikut.

Yah, mlm nie kuar lagik. Pg tesco, adalah la plak jualan hp, kamera,laptop and others. Hmmm...apak mmg ske tgk. Apak pun pgla usha2 brg tu, mmg murah brg2 tu. Ada promotion la...kalo aku ada duit, nk gak bli hp baru...hahaha..
Masuk dlm, apak and mama nk bli something utk office baru dorang. Aku pg usa baju jap sambil mengheret adik aku Mo'iz. Dia nie mmg 'bodyguard' setia aku. Usha2 dpt la bli satu baju. (mmg kaki shopping btul) Lps pg tesco, pg mkn mlm kt Mcdonald. Yum!! Mmg dh berkurun lamanya aku x mkn McD...and yes, family aku kalo pg mkn, blh kaya pemilik kedai tu. Kitaorg order byk..
Nie dia yg kitaorg order...

1) Double cheeseburger - 1 set
2) Cheeseburger - 1 set
3) Big Mac - 4 set
4) McChicken - 2 set
5) Mc Nuggets - 20 pcs
6) Ice cream - 1

Byk kan? lagi byk kalo kt kedai mkn biasa...haha..Dh kenyang, balik rumah..

Mama and apak...hehehe..
Rock kapak!!

Yeah, kecomelan melanda...selamba..

Nie la rupa adik beradik aku melantak McD...


Hari nie pg Lost World of Tambun. Blh dikatakan tarikan utama kalo pg tambun la kan. Nk bawa kamera apak x, xdela gmbr. Masuk Lost World, nmpkla 4 bas!! Rombongan budak2 skola, comei btul. Teringat rombongan masa skola rendah dlu. Bygkan kt luar pun dh byk org, kalo kt dlm x tw la. Harga tiket pun dh naik. Dlu untuk dewasa - RM 16.00 and for children - RM 10.00 ( kalo x slap) Now, Adult - RM 25.00 and children - RM 19.00... Kalo 5 org dewasa and sorang kanak2..dh dlm RM100++...sume benda dh mhal..but i think it's worth it la..
Masuk dlm, ada gak game baru. Dlu yg kapal lanun ada satu, skrg dh tmbh lagi satu and also game2 lain( yg dry punya) Kalo yg wet, ada la gak yg baru punye...Pg dlm pkul 2 and balik dlm pkul 6...sbb tmpt tu ttup pkul 6.. Tp one thing yg slack, hujan! Bl dikatakan lbih 3 kali aku terpaksa mandi hujan...nasib baik main kt Lost World tu main air gak..
Tp balik dh terbaring kt katil sbb kepeningan...huhu..