Thursday, October 8, 2009

alamak...dah habis pre-law??

Final exam ends on 5th of October...economy subject was the last paper. Lepas tu, memang merdeka! Balik je kolej terus main game, tengok movie and everything. Tiba2 terasa macam cepat sangat masa berlalu...dah habis ke semester 3 ni?? Which means dah habis pre-law?? Wah!! I can't believe that the day has finally come!! Tapi kenapa x terasa apa2 pun?

However, that's the truth that i have to accept. I have to leave kedah and Insya-Allah Pursuing degree in law in shah Alam. Bila terkenangkan dah 3 sem kat sini, sedih la pulak. Ok, belum nangis lagi...haha. Teringat masa mula2 masuk Uitm kedah, melalui minggu mms yang sangat la memenatkan...rasa macam nak balik rumah masa tu jugak. Lagi satu cos first time jauh dari rumah..lagi la merana. Then, masuk semester 2...subjek yang harus diambil makin susah...especially satu subjek ni...where it suppose to be easy but time kitaorang tiba2 jadi killer subjek pulak...reason?? biarlah hanya kami yang tahu..hehe..

Semester 3..tak tau nak cakap apa. Agak membosankan sebab tak banyak aktiviti yang dijalankan sebab kes H1N1 tu..but it was fun to be able to get close with all my friends.

Yang ternyata, I'll be missing all my friends who are still studying in kedah...especially my dearest junior (kalo dia dengar, confirm kembang..hehe..) and my roomates!!!!
Sayang korang!!!
Hopefully we can still be roomates in shah alam!

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