Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Missing someone??

I may not be special for that person but he is special to me.
And I truly miss him
sometimes I felt stupid for letting myself drown in this unrequited love
he may not know that i like him
Or does he know?
One thing is that I won't be seeing him around
for quite a long period
and I'm not sure whether he'll remember me
or will i forget him?
should i be honest?
should i tell him?
or just keep it to myself?
Let fate decide.........

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Attention!!! 'kelas bagi kos pre-law akan bermula pada 1 JUN??'

Ya, itulah kebenarannya! Ahh!! bnci!! Nmpaknya bdak2 pre-law akn mendaftar pd 30 atau 31hb Mei. And of course, cuti sem nie sgt pendek!!

Masa sir Zulhelmey announce, kitaorg terkejut smpai x terkata...haha..ksian Sir, kena mrh dgn kitaorg. Satu statement yg sir ckp " Saya cume bgtw you all je. Jgnlah mrh saya. Saya punye cuti pun pendek jugak. "
Bila dgr Sir ckp cmtu, ksian plak dgn sir. Naya je kena mrh dgn kitaorg. Sori Sir...haha

Oh, kembali kpd citer tu. Mmg x puas hati giler. Kalo exam hbis cpat, aku x kisah but exam hbis 10 may. Mmg 'hebat sunnguh' org yg buat jadual tu kn. Pre-law part 2 start exam 20 april, hbis 10 may. Kos lain start lmbt tp hbis cpat lagi. And dorang xyah dftar awl. huh!!

Tu blum campur lagi Arau open and kem Kelab Debat. Balik kedah 10 may, pastu kena dtg balik 23 may. Bertolak ke kem dari 23 smpai 25 may, then pergi arau dr 25 smpai 30 may. And lucky me, smpai je kt uitm kedah yg tercinta....kna trus daftar. 1 Jun dh mula kelas. Mmg cuti sem nie sgt nk wat cmne. Xkan nk bakar office uitm kn...kalo bakar pun, apa yg dpt. Dpt masuk penjara lagi kena terima je la.

Lagu Pilihan Di Hati

Yuna - Deeper Conversation

Is your favourite colour blue?
Do you always tell the truth?
Do you believe in outerspace?
And I'm learning you

Is your skin as tanned as mine?
Does your hair flow sideways?
Did someone took a portion of your heart?
And I'm learning you

And if you don't mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
And Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me

I let my guard down for you
And in time you will too

If you don't mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
And Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me

If you don't mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
And Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me

Deeper Conversation
Let me


Yah, paper psycho, law and library telah pun aku tempuhi. Dan skrg, aku kt rumah!! Yay...ada 2 minggu lagi sblm paper bel 260 which is on 10th May...dan aku kena blik UiTM Kedah. Huhu...malas btul la.

Anyway, lpsl paper law aku trus blik bilik utk kemas apa yg patut. Sementara tunggu 'somebody' berdating, aku kol pakcik teksi tu mintak dia ambik kt dalam sebab masa tu hujan. Bukan lebat sangat pun tapi, alang2 kan. Lps beberapa mimit, pakcik teksi tu pun smpai...bertolak utk keluar uitm!!

Aku naik teksi skali dgn aliaa and Adi. Smpai je kt stesen bas, aku pg tnye kt kaunter tu, nk tnye no. plat bas. Tgk2, akak tu ckp "dik, hang naik bas ni la. Bas Baiduri dh pi dh pagi td" Hmmm..takpe la. Aslkan ada bas nak balik sudah. Nama bas yg ditukar tu Bas Seribudaya. X prnh naik so hopefully bas tu bagus la.
Bas smpai pkul 12.45pm, bertolak pkul 1.15pm. Ingtkan bas nie trus straight pi Ipoh, rupanya ada la gak singgah beberapa tmpt. Nmpaknya smpai ipoh lmbat la nie. Bas bertolak dan aku pun mla melangkah ke alm mimpi...hehe..

Spt yg dijangkakan, smpai ipoh lmbt. Pkul 4.30pm....serious lmbt. Turun bas, cari my mum and dad. Dorang baru nk bertolak dr rumah....satu lagi penantian..huhu..

aku pun ada blog gak...haha..

Serious berlagak giler, tp maybe I'm just too excited. Tengok member2 aku sume ada blog kan, so I'm dreaming to have one too. So, sekarang aku dah ada!!

I'm not used on writing on any events that occurred in my life, I don't even know how to write a diary! Weird, huh? That is why I don't know what to write in my first post. I guess byk nie je la aku blh tlis as an introduction...haha..